An official website of the United States government
Why do I need to complete the 2022 BE-120?
Why was I contacted to file the 2022 BE-120?
Why does BEA conduct the BE-12 Benchmark Survey?
I do not meet BE-12 filing requirements. Do I have to file a BE-12 survey?
May I have an extension of the due date for filing the BE-12 survey?
I need to file a BE-12 or BE-15 survey, but I do not have an ID number.
Will I receive a BE-12 form in the mail?
I don't have an EIN. How should I complete this question on BEA surveys?
Are there exceptions to the consolidation rules when filing a BE-12 report?
I am reporting for a private fund. Do I have to file a BE-12?
In the list of potentially affected private fund foreign affiliates provided by BEA, one (or more) of the entities included has been seized, liquidated, expropriated, or sold; what should I do?
I believe I have entities affected by the change to survey reporting requirements for private funds, but BEA has not contacted me regarding my potentially affected entities, what should I do?
What surveys are affected by the change to reporting requirements for private funds?
How do I know if I have entities affected by the change to survey reporting requirements for private funds?
When does the change to survey reporting requirements for private funds become effective?
What is a holding company?
What is a private fund?
Which entities are affected by the change to survey reporting requirements for private funds?
What is the purpose of the change to survey reporting requirements for private funds?
I am completing this form for a pension/benefit fund. Why did we receive this form and what should we report?