BEA Data Interactive Data BEA's interactive data application is the one stop shop for accessing BEA data. BEA DataApplication Programming Interface (API) The API provides programmatic access to BEA published economic statistics using industry-standard methods and procedures. Quick Facts Country Facts Quickly generate a snapshot of statistics on trade and investment between the United States and other countries. Quick FactsRegional Facts (BEARFACTS) See an economic report for each state, including GDP, personal income and top industries. Or get personal income stats for a metropolitan area or county. Quick FactsIndustry Facts Looking for the lowdown on your favorite industry? BEA's Industry Facts provide industry specific information on value added, intermediate inputs, and gross output in real and current dollars. MappingGDP & Personal Income Mapping The BEA regional economic accounts provide a wealth of statistics that detail the geographic distribution of U.S. economic activity and growth and provide a consistent framework for analyzing and comparing individual state and local area economies. Economic ModellingRIMS II The Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II), a regional economic model, is a tool used by investors, planners, and elected officials to objectively assess the potential economic impacts of various projects. For Survey RespondentsBEA eFile System eFile is BEA's electronic filing system. For all BEA surveys except the BE-13 and the BE-150, the eFile system makes use of fillable Adobe PDF forms.