An official website of the United States government
How does BEA measure public education services during the closings of schools and college campuses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
How are federal economic impact payments to support individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic recorded in the NIPAs?
How does the Paycheck Protection Program impact the national income and product accounts (NIPAs)?
How did provisions of the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act related to student loan debt affect BEA’s estimates of personal interest payments?
What is the impact of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union on BEA’s data products?
How should the currency composition of intercompany debt receivable and payable balances be reported on the BE-577 survey?
How should the currency composition of intercompany debt receivable and payable balances be reported on the BE-605 survey?
Should I report year to date or annual amounts on the BE-45 report?
How are BEA’s statistics on the activities of U.S. multinational enterprises (MNEs) affected by the complex corporate structures of MNEs?
When will respondents be notified to complete the 2019 BE-10 survey forms?
What information does the Bureau of Economic Analysis publish on the characteristics of international services traders?
I am reporting for a private fund. Do I have to file a BE-10?
Are there exceptions to the consolidation rules when filing a BE-10 report?
I only own real estate in a foreign country. Why am I required to file a BE-10 survey?
How do I report on the BE-10 if I am a limited partnership or have an interest in a limited partnership?
My company was liquidated or no longer owned foreign affiliates in 2019. Do I have to file a BE-10?
My company is an inactive company. Do I have to file a BE-10?
How can I get a copy of the last BE-10 or BE-11 survey report that was submitted?
I am required to file a BE-10 report. Which form do I file?
What is the due date for filing the 2019 BE-10 survey?