United States & the World
- International Transactions Balance of Payments
U.S. transactions in goods, services, income, and investment with other countries
- Trade in Goods and Services
U.S. trade in goods and services with other countries
- International Services Expanded Detail
Trade in services and services supplied by affiliates of multinational enterprises
- International Investment Position
A balance sheet of U.S. financial assets and liabilities with residents of other countries
- Direct Investment by Country and Industry
International investment resulting in control or significant influence over a business
- Activities of U.S. Multinational Enterprises MNEs
Financial and operating data on U.S. parent companies and their affiliates abroad
- Activities of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Multinational Enterprises MNEs
Financial and operating data on U.S. affiliates of foreign parent companies
- New Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
Foreign investment to acquire, establish, or expand a U.S. business enterprise