Statistics for every state and the District of Columbia were added today to BEA’s prototype statistics on the distribution of U.S. personal income.
The BEA Wire | BEA's Official Blog
Measures of Economic Well-Being Updated With Complementary Open-Source Notebook
The Bureau of Economic Analysis updated its prototype measures of economic well-being and growth today and for the first time released open-source code that allows users to tailor the charts and tables to meet their needs.
Experimental Data Map Health Care Estimates in GDP to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Framework
Today BEA is introducing new experimental data that map our health care estimates in gross domestic product to the framework of CMS’ National Health Expenditures Account, allowing researchers to get an earlier look at 2022 health care spending number
Health Care Statistics Updated With Improved Drug Price Data
The Bureau of Economic Analysis today updated its supplemental health care statistics with an improved methodology that shows the growing role of prescription drug rebates over two decades.
Coming Soon: A Closer Look at the Mix of Global and Domestic Content in U.S. Exports
BEA is expanding its prototype statistics that provide a more complete and nuanced understanding of U.S. exports. Watch for an update and expansion of the statistics known as trade in value added, or TiVA, coming in March.
Innovation at BEA: Data Projects in 2021
The Bureau of Economic Analysis continually explores the development of new statistics as part of its mission to provide Americans with a timely, accurate, and in-depth understanding of the changing U.S. economy. We’re working on innovations that are leading to expanded data in several areas.
BEA Updates Regional Economic Tool
Updated data are now available in BEA’s economic modeling tool used to estimate the impact of new projects or other changes in a region’s economy.
Prototype Economic Statistics for Puerto Rico Now Available
Today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis released prototype statistics for personal consumption expenditures, private fixed investment, and net exports of goods for Puerto Rico. These annual statistics cover the time period from 2012 to 2017.
Prototype Stats Show Each State's Outdoor Recreation Economy
New prototype outdoor recreation statistics show state value added, compensation, and employment for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Coming Soon: State Outdoor Recreation Statistics
BEA will release prototype statistics on Sept. 20 showing the role that outdoor recreation – pursuits like bicycling, RVing, and fishing – plays in each state’s economy. This will mark the first time state data are included in BEA’s outdoor recreation statistics.
Digital Economy Accounted for 6.9 Percent of GDP in 2017
The digital economy accounted for 6.9 percent of the U.S.
Arts and Culture Economy Grows 2.9 Percent in 2016
Arts and cultural economic activity grew at an inflation-adjusted 2.9 percent in 2016, increasing faster than the nation’s economy overall. For comparison, U.S. gross domestic product, or GDP, rose 1.6 percent that year.