An official website of the United States government
My company purchased accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services from three countries. How should I report the data on the BE-125?
I have transactions with countries that are not listed on the BE-125. Should I include those on the survey?
How do I indicate on the BE-125 what type of services I am selling/purchasing?
How should I round currency amounts on the BE-125?
How should transactions with international organizations be reported on the BE-125?
When reporting data by country on the BE-125, can regions be used instead?
Should I net payments against receipts on the BE-125?
Should I report on an accrual basis or cash basis on the BE-125?
Are the purchases or sales of goods reported on the BE-125?
Are licensing of rights to intellectual property or purchases of intellectual property reported on the BE-125?
We provide services to a U.S. affiliate of a German company. Is this transaction applicable to the BE-125?
We purchased services from a German company, but we sent the payments to a Swiss bank. How should we report this transaction on the BE-125?
Do I need to submit a hard copy of the BE-125 form if I submit the form by fax or efile?
How can I obtain a MS Excel (.xls format) version of the BE-125?
Can I email my completed BE-125 survey?
I believe I am exempt from filing data on Schedule A, B, or C on the BE-125 survey. What do I do?
The address and the contact person listed are no longer current. How do I update this information for the BE-125?
How should I account for mergers and acquisitions on the BE-125?
Why do I need to complete the BE-125?
Why did I receive the BE-125 survey?