An official website of the United States government
We receive interest payments from a foreign corporation. Do we report the interest received under credit-related services on the BE-180?
How do I indicate on the BE-180 which type of financial services I am selling/purchasing?
Should I net purchases against sales on the BE-180?
Are estimates acceptable on the BE-180 survey?
How should I round currency amounts on the BE-180?
Should I report on an accrual basis or cash basis on the BE-180?
The address listed is no longer current. How do I update this information for the BE-180?
Do I need to mail a hard copy of the form if I submit the form via eFile?
Can I submit the BE-180 electronically?
How do I obtain a hard copy of the BE-180 survey or additional overflow sheets?
Will the information submitted to BEA be kept confidential?
Why do I need to complete the BE-180?
What is BEA's secure messaging system and how can I use it to communicate with BEA?
How do I contact BEA if I have specific questions about how to report my U.S. and foreign-based entities (private funds, operating companies, etc.) on the 2014 BE-10 survey?
Are the data reported on the BE-10 survey kept confidential?
Does the 2014 BE-10 reporting overlap with the Treasury International Capital (TIC) reporting for private funds?
How do I complete a survey for a foreign affiliate entity if it is a private fund versus an operating company? The 2014 BE-10 survey forms may have numerous questions which do not appear to apply to my domestic and foreign funds/entities. How do I proceed
How do I determine which U.S.-based private fund entity or manager would be the U.S. Reporter that is required to complete the 2014 BE-10A Report for U.S. Reporter?
If it is determined that a private fund must complete the 2014 BE-10 survey, which forms are required?
My company/client is a private fund that has foreign investment. Am I required to submit the 2014 Benchmark Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad (BE-10)?