An official website of the United States government
What is gross output by industry and how does it differ from gross domestic product (or value added) by industry?
What is a satellite account?
Where can I find more information about imports in the I-O accounts?
What are full-time equivalent employees?
How do the aggregate measures of value added by private goods-producing and private services-producing industries from BEA's Annual Industry Accounts (AIAs) relate to the aggregate measures of final goods GDP and final services GDP?
What is the principal source of revision to the estimates of value added by industry in the Annual Industry Accounts (AIAs)?
What are direct and indirect requirement coefficients?
What is double deflation?
How are the annual levels of current-dollar industry gross output derived?
What is KLEMS?
What are the Annual I-O Accounts and what do they include?
How are the annual input-output (I-O) accounts related to the GDP by industry accounts?
How do the GDP-by-industry estimates relate to the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA)?
How can I evaluate the performance of particular industries?
What are intermediate inputs?
What is industry value added?
What is industry gross output?
Which industries are included among the goods-producing industries and the services-producing industries?
Are there concordances between the 1987 SIC system and the 1997 and 2002 NAICS, and between various vintages of NAICS?
How are industries defined in the Annual Industry Accounts?