There have been a few changes to the BE-140 survey since it was last conducted for fiscal year 2013.

The changes that occurred will result in more detailed data used to compile the U.S. international transactions and national income and product accounts, help support U.S. international economic policy and to analyze the impact of that policy and the policies of foreign countries on international trade in services. These changes include:

  • Additional information is requested from reporters of primary insurance transactions. Question 13 on page 8 of the survey request primary insurance transactors to provide additional information based on the insurer’s line of business.
  • Schedule C has been modified to focus on reserve transfers, and collects information on:
    • Whether the transaction was assumed or ceded.
    • The U.S. Reporter’s affiliation with, and the country of, the foreign transactor.
    • The expected average maturity of the reserves transferred.
    • The total amount of the reserves transferred (report in thousands of U.S. dollars).
  • Schedule D has been added to collect information related to catastrophic losses, such as:
    • Whether the loss was assumed or ceded.
    • The date the catastrophic event occurred (if the event occurred over several days, list the initial date).
    • The U.S. Reporter’s affiliation with, and the country of, the foreign transactor.
    • The total amount of the loss incurred (report in thousands of U.S. dollars).
    • The catastrophic event associated with the loss.