You received this survey because your company has either filed a BE-140 benchmark or BE-45 quarterly survey in the past, or we believe that you may have had transactions covered by this survey based on publicly available information derived from news reports, trade journals, or industry data bases.

Form BE-140 is to be filed by U.S. insurance companies that have engaged in insurance transactions with foreign persons during the reporting period, who had any of the eight covered types of insurance transactions. The BE-140 survey covers transactions between U.S. insurance companies and foreign persons for:

  1. Premiums earned on reinsurance assumed from companies resident abroad;
  2. Losses incurred on reinsurance assumed from companies resident abroad;
  3. Premiums paid for reinsurance ceded to companies resident abroad;
  4. Losses recovered on reinsurance ceded to companies resident abroad;
  5. Premiums earned from direct insurance sold to foreign persons;
  6. Losses incurred on direct insurance sold to foreign persons;
  7. Receipts for auxiliary insurance services provided to foreign persons; and
  8. Payments for auxiliary insurance services provided by foreign persons.